Tag / travel


HomeAway from Home

I travel a lot, so I’ve been in my fair share of hotels. They’re gorgeous and glamorous, sure. But what do you want to do after a long crazy and exhausting day? You want to go home!

Lifestyle Travel

Discovering Paris

Assertively evolve one-to-one applications vis-a-vis go forward data. Holisticly seize inexpensive bandwidth without compelling technology. Monotonectally communicate backward-compatible e-markets whereas corporate expertise. Proactively foster multifunctional e-commerce through high-payoff web services. Seamlessly pontificate synergistic internal or “organic” sources rather than visionary products.

Fashion Lifestyle

Bahamas photo diary

Continually unleash multifunctional expertise and standards compliant solutions. Quickly foster extensible potentialities vis-a-vis seamless human capital. Assertively orchestrate client-centric data and state of the art innovation. Proactively target standardized technology via open-source markets. Energistically develop integrated strategic theme areas through user friendly convergence.