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I travel a lot, so I’ve been in my fair share of hotels. They’re gorgeous and glamorous, sure. But what do you want to do after a long crazy and exhausting day? You want to go home!
This was my first-time “glamping” and it definitely won’t be my last. We did stay in this luxury tent in Colorado last winter, but I wouldn’t really describe that as glamping.
There are a lot of myths and misinformation floating around about what and how you should eat before and after workouts, but in my opinion, science wins.
Paris is divided into twenty Arrondissements or districts, and one of my favorite areas happens to live in the 18th. Montmartre! At the beginning of the 20th century, Montmartre was home and the workplace to many influential artists such as Claude Monet and Salvatore Dali. But you probably know of it because of Moulin Rouge or the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur, which sits atop the large hill. You also might recognize the Basilica because of this post here!

As LA peaks at 100 degrees this past week, I thought I’d share with you guys 3 cool drinks for this summer! I’m not a huge fan of alcohol to be honest (except the occasional glass of wine with Allen on date night) so I’m always looking for yummy (and pretty) juices to try. If you guys are throwing a BBQ this July 4th weekend like me .. try serving these drinks to not only wow your guests but keep them refreshed and cool!